The Core Model: A timeless way to connect people, content and strategy

The Core Model is a tool, template, and workshop technique that has been used and loved by content strategists all over the world for more than a decade. The model is so simple that anyone can understand it, while at the same time connecting perspectives from content, UX, strategy, marketing, IA, and behavior psychology. This is a practical workshop technique that helps you answer questions like: How will the users find this content? What content elements are necessary, if both we and our users are to reach our objectives? Where do we want to send the users after they’ve solved their primary task?

This workshop will help you:

  • Understand the simple and timeless perspectives of the Core Model.
  • Learn how you can use it to connect strategy and user needs, get buy-in from stakeholders, and show the value of content collaboration to your organization.
  • Get the tips and templates you need to facilitate a workshop for your own projects.

Who should attend: This workshop will benefit people who want a practical tool to facilitate cross-discipline and cross-silo content collaboration, user-centered content, and strategic outcomes.

Are Halland
Are Halland

Author, Trainer, Facilitator, Independent

The Core Model: A timeless way to connect people, content and strategy

The Core Model is a tool, template, and workshop technique that has been used and loved by content strategists all over the world for more than a decade. The model is so simple that anyone can understand it, while at the same time connecting perspectives from content, UX, strategy, marketing, IA, and behavior psychology. This is a practical workshop technique that helps you answer questions like: How will the users find this content? What content elements are necessary, if both we and our users are to reach our objectives? Where do we want to send the users after they’ve solved their primary task?

This workshop will help you:

  • Understand the simple and timeless perspectives of the Core Model.
  • Learn how you can use it to connect strategy and user needs, get buy-in from stakeholders, and show the value of content collaboration to your organization.
  • Get the tips and templates you need to facilitate a workshop for your own projects.

Who should attend: This workshop will benefit people who want a practical tool to facilitate cross-discipline and cross-silo content collaboration, user-centered content, and strategic outcomes.

Are Halland
Are Halland

Author, Trainer, Facilitator, Independent

Are Halland

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