Separating fact from folklore: Let’s bust some common myths about doing research

Research is one of those things that, as content people, we know (all too well) we should lean on more in our work.

And yet, doing research comes with its fair share of pitfalls and quandaries. There are so many methods out there: which one’s the best? How can we make sure we get actually valuable insights? What to do when timelines and budgets are tight?

In this talk, we’ll set the record straight on some popular misconceptions about research so you can be more fearless in conducting it — and craft more useful content as a result.

You’ll leave this session with a better understanding of:

  • How to choose from the sea of available methods and approaches
  • Ways to get more relevant, reliable answers to your research questions
  • A number of practical insights that you can apply right away to your work
Vidhika Bansal
Vidhika Bansal

Group Manager, Content Design, Intuit

Separating fact from folklore: Let’s bust some common myths about doing research

Research is one of those things that, as content people, we know (all too well) we should lean on more in our work.

And yet, doing research comes with its fair share of pitfalls and quandaries. There are so many methods out there: which one’s the best? How can we make sure we get actually valuable insights? What to do when timelines and budgets are tight?

In this talk, we’ll set the record straight on some popular misconceptions about research so you can be more fearless in conducting it — and craft more useful content as a result.

You’ll leave this session with a better understanding of:

  • How to choose from the sea of available methods and approaches
  • Ways to get more relevant, reliable answers to your research questions
  • A number of practical insights that you can apply right away to your work
Vidhika Bansal
Vidhika Bansal

Group Manager, Content Design, Intuit

Vidhika Bansal

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