Rebranding the audit: Getting your org jazzed about content maintenance projects

As content strategists, we know that audits are important—but do your stakeholders? No matter what area of content you work in, or how your team is structured, we all need stakeholder buy-in to keep our content up-to-date and effective.

“Content audit” can sound dull compared to more exciting-sounding initiatives. Come learn how to “rebrand” the humble content audit to get your organization excited and more willing to give you the resources you need to maintain your content.

When you leave this session, you will:

  • Understand how to pick the most impactful audit projects to showcase the importance of a refreshed content library.
  • Have talking points to convey the idea that content innovation can’t happen without a strong foundation.
  • Know some best practices for structuring your audit project to ensure stakeholders are engaged from the initial content gathering through the data readout.
Dani French
Dani French

Content Strategy Manager, Etsy

Rebranding the audit: Getting your org jazzed about content maintenance projects

As content strategists, we know that audits are important—but do your stakeholders? No matter what area of content you work in, or how your team is structured, we all need stakeholder buy-in to keep our content up-to-date and effective.

“Content audit” can sound dull compared to more exciting-sounding initiatives. Come learn how to “rebrand” the humble content audit to get your organization excited and more willing to give you the resources you need to maintain your content.

When you leave this session, you will:

  • Understand how to pick the most impactful audit projects to showcase the importance of a refreshed content library.
  • Have talking points to convey the idea that content innovation can’t happen without a strong foundation.
  • Know some best practices for structuring your audit project to ensure stakeholders are engaged from the initial content gathering through the data readout.
Dani French
Dani French

Content Strategy Manager, Etsy

Dani French

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