One subtask at a time: How to manage big content projects

The project is just a little daunting. There are hundreds of pages of content to be rewritten (or written), ushered through an approval process, and optimized for SEO … and there’s only a couple of months until launch.

This is the situation Amanda Beck and Deja Roberson found themselves in as they began the redesign for the TASB Risk Management Fund website, which hadn’t been refreshed in nearly a decade. In this talk, they’ll share the tools and strategies used to approach and successfully accomplish this monumental challenge, along with how you can adapt them for your next big project.

You’ll learn:

  • A framework for setting up and structuring your big content development project for success
  • Strategies to win buy-in from technology-adverse coworkers
  • Helpful hacks for the tools they used that you can apply to your projects today
Amanda Beck
Amanda Beck

Director, Business Marketing, Texas Association of School Boards

Deja Roberson
Deja Roberson

Digital Project Coordinator, Texas Association of School Boards

One subtask at a time: How to manage big content projects

The project is just a little daunting. There are hundreds of pages of content to be rewritten (or written), ushered through an approval process, and optimized for SEO … and there’s only a couple of months until launch.

This is the situation Amanda Beck and Deja Roberson found themselves in as they began the redesign for the TASB Risk Management Fund website, which hadn’t been refreshed in nearly a decade. In this talk, they’ll share the tools and strategies used to approach and successfully accomplish this monumental challenge, along with how you can adapt them for your next big project.

You’ll learn:

  • A framework for setting up and structuring your big content development project for success
  • Strategies to win buy-in from technology-adverse coworkers
  • Helpful hacks for the tools they used that you can apply to your projects today
Amanda Beck
Amanda Beck

Director, Business Marketing, Texas Association of School Boards

Amanda Beck
Deja Roberson

Digital Project Coordinator, Texas Association of School Boards

Deja Roberson

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