Now you tell me: What I wished I had learned sooner in my content career

We all have things we’ve learned “the hard way”—mistakes made, lost opportunities, and the stuff that recurring flashback nightmares are made of. In our work as content people, an uncomfortable amount of that learning happens out in the open, while wrangling the people side of our work.

In this retrospective session, Gord will share the toughest lessons he has learned as a content person—because if we can’t turn back time, we may as well spend it helping one another out.

You’ll leave this session knowing how to:

  • Set boundaries, while also pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
  • Navigate difficult conversations by asking questions, giving feedback, or even sitting in silence.
  • Get comfortable with saying no, but without missing key opportunities to say yes.
Gord Roberts
Gord Roberts

Manager, Web Content Strategy, Bank of Canada

Now you tell me: What I wished I had learned sooner in my content career

We all have things we’ve learned “the hard way”—mistakes made, lost opportunities, and the stuff that recurring flashback nightmares are made of. In our work as content people, an uncomfortable amount of that learning happens out in the open, while wrangling the people side of our work.

In this retrospective session, Gord will share the toughest lessons he has learned as a content person—because if we can’t turn back time, we may as well spend it helping one another out.

You’ll leave this session knowing how to:

  • Set boundaries, while also pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
  • Navigate difficult conversations by asking questions, giving feedback, or even sitting in silence.
  • Get comfortable with saying no, but without missing key opportunities to say yes.
Gord Roberts
Gord Roberts

Manager, Web Content Strategy, Bank of Canada

Gord Roberts

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