Integrated storytelling: Video, platforms, and digital media

How can you reinvigorate media content updating beyond “plugging in” new talking points or updated facts & figures? What platforms will best serve your audience and foster meaningful engagement? And how can you leverage emerging tools effectively without having to turn to your teenage child for guidance?

Multimedia veteran Ravi Jain invites all around the proverbial campfire to unpack the primordial hooks and motivations of enduring storytelling. Collectively, we will examine how new and existing technologies can be integrated to serve fresh content to engage both new and old audiences.

In this session, we will:

  • Learn how to identify core story forms within their brand and institutional messaging.

  • Consider how time-based media can offer a new perspective on an existing story.
  • Get inspired by how new media vehicles can be leveraged to support and extend an established content strategy.

As always, it’s how story, audience and platform can come together to work effectively in concert.

Ravi Jain
Ravi Jain

Senior Associate Director of Digital Media, Boston College

Integrated storytelling: Video, platforms, and digital media

How can you reinvigorate media content updating beyond “plugging in” new talking points or updated facts & figures? What platforms will best serve your audience and foster meaningful engagement? And how can you leverage emerging tools effectively without having to turn to your teenage child for guidance?

Multimedia veteran Ravi Jain invites all around the proverbial campfire to unpack the primordial hooks and motivations of enduring storytelling. Collectively, we will examine how new and existing technologies can be integrated to serve fresh content to engage both new and old audiences.

In this session, we will:

  • Learn how to identify core story forms within their brand and institutional messaging.

  • Consider how time-based media can offer a new perspective on an existing story.
  • Get inspired by how new media vehicles can be leveraged to support and extend an established content strategy.

As always, it’s how story, audience and platform can come together to work effectively in concert.

Ravi Jain
Ravi Jain

Senior Associate Director of Digital Media, Boston College

Ravi Jain

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