How to track (and evolve with) content experience trends

Will AI replace writers? Where does content strategy belong in the metaverse? Are our jobs at risk? What industry trends do we need to pay attention to in order to stay relevant in the years ahead?

Join Noz Urbina as he walks through key trends that inform how content strategy will need to adapt in the next 10 years. The endless revolutions in content aren’t slowing down. We all need to be futurists!  

You’ll leave this session knowing:

  • Specific principles that we can derive from the mega trends
  • How to change your attitude to content work and our outputs to stay agile
  • Specific reading materials and resources to help the budding futurist
Noz Urbina
Noz Urbina

Omnichannel Content Strategist, Urbina Consulting/OmnichannelX

How to track (and evolve with) content experience trends

Will AI replace writers? Where does content strategy belong in the metaverse? Are our jobs at risk? What industry trends do we need to pay attention to in order to stay relevant in the years ahead?

Join Noz Urbina as he walks through key trends that inform how content strategy will need to adapt in the next 10 years. The endless revolutions in content aren’t slowing down. We all need to be futurists!  

You’ll leave this session knowing:

  • Specific principles that we can derive from the mega trends
  • How to change your attitude to content work and our outputs to stay agile
  • Specific reading materials and resources to help the budding futurist
Noz Urbina
Noz Urbina

Omnichannel Content Strategist, Urbina Consulting/OmnichannelX

Noz Urbina

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