Demystifying content strategy for stakeholders and clients

Just as we may feel mystified by common but complex disciplines—automotive repair, physics, creating TikTok videos—so too are our clients and stakeholders as we attempt to explain, convince, and champion the discipline of content strategy.

From translating our discipline-specific vocabulary to helping position our work within a client’s larger ecosystem, our jobs are not just about turning user needs into quality content. We’re also tasked with turning client needs into a quality relationship. This talk will help you begin demystifying the work of the web—and, specifically, your work as a content strategist—to those who need it the most.

You’ll leave this session knowing how to:

  • Help frame content and web work with the context that helps a client/stakeholder understand how it helps their day-to-day work.
  • Begin to translate the industry for those outside of the industry, whether that’s a client/stakeholder or a designer/developer.
  • Help clients/stakeholders understand where they fit within the project timeline.
  • Gain trust for your unknown process, and how to get people on your side.
Corey Vilhauer
Corey Vilhauer

Director of Strategy, Blend Interactive

Demystifying content strategy for stakeholders and clients

Just as we may feel mystified by common but complex disciplines—automotive repair, physics, creating TikTok videos—so too are our clients and stakeholders as we attempt to explain, convince, and champion the discipline of content strategy.

From translating our discipline-specific vocabulary to helping position our work within a client’s larger ecosystem, our jobs are not just about turning user needs into quality content. We’re also tasked with turning client needs into a quality relationship. This talk will help you begin demystifying the work of the web—and, specifically, your work as a content strategist—to those who need it the most.

You’ll leave this session knowing how to:

  • Help frame content and web work with the context that helps a client/stakeholder understand how it helps their day-to-day work.
  • Begin to translate the industry for those outside of the industry, whether that’s a client/stakeholder or a designer/developer.
  • Help clients/stakeholders understand where they fit within the project timeline.
  • Gain trust for your unknown process, and how to get people on your side.
Corey Vilhauer
Corey Vilhauer

Director of Strategy, Blend Interactive

Corey Vilhauer

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