Content doctrine: Bridging the gap between strategy and tactics

Strategy is your approach to achieving goals, and tactics are the specific actions you take to implement them. But even with a well-documented content strategy and the best follow-through, a team’s unique perspectives—its beliefs about how tools should be used and why specific decisions make sense—usually go unarticulated.

Those invisible principles are a critical bridge between strategic plans and tactical follow-through. Uncovering, articulating, and documenting them produces doctrine: a shared playbook that can keep your team on track through staff turnover, shifting priorities, and changing technology.

You’ll leave this session with:

  • A clear understanding of the difference between Strategic, Doctrinal, and Tactical decisions that affect an organization’s content
  • A step-by-step plan to articulate and document each team’s unique approach to solving content problems
  • A judgment-free, hype-resistant framework to describe and learn from other organizations’ content resourcing and technology decisions
Jeff Eaton
Jeff Eaton

Partner, Autogram

Content doctrine: Bridging the gap between strategy and tactics

Strategy is your approach to achieving goals, and tactics are the specific actions you take to implement them. But even with a well-documented content strategy and the best follow-through, a team’s unique perspectives—its beliefs about how tools should be used and why specific decisions make sense—usually go unarticulated.

Those invisible principles are a critical bridge between strategic plans and tactical follow-through. Uncovering, articulating, and documenting them produces doctrine: a shared playbook that can keep your team on track through staff turnover, shifting priorities, and changing technology.

You’ll leave this session with:

  • A clear understanding of the difference between Strategic, Doctrinal, and Tactical decisions that affect an organization’s content
  • A step-by-step plan to articulate and document each team’s unique approach to solving content problems
  • A judgment-free, hype-resistant framework to describe and learn from other organizations’ content resourcing and technology decisions
Jeff Eaton
Jeff Eaton

Partner, Autogram

Jeff Eaton

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