Content audits: Easy solutions to hard problems

What do you do when you inherit an old, extensive set of content, and know nothing about it? How do you figure out where to begin, who to talk to, or what to do next?

Hear how a massive content audit at Salesforce revealed some surprising metrics, learn steps for retiring and refreshing content with low impact on your teams, and discover tools for conducting your own content audits with limited time and resources.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • Which content data to track for a variety of stakeholders
  • How to seek buy-in for retiring popular or highly visible content
  • What phases to include in a large-scale content maintenance plan
  • Which templates and techniques to use for an efficient content audit
  • How to manage and cope with the variety of outcomes from an audit

Who should attend: This workshop is for people who have limited experience with audits, or for those with extensive experience who are looking for more cost-effective ways to update and maintain content.

Gavin Austin
Gavin Austin

Principal Technical Writer, Salesforce

Content audits: Easy solutions to hard problems

What do you do when you inherit an old, extensive set of content, and know nothing about it? How do you figure out where to begin, who to talk to, or what to do next?

Hear how a massive content audit at Salesforce revealed some surprising metrics, learn steps for retiring and refreshing content with low impact on your teams, and discover tools for conducting your own content audits with limited time and resources.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • Which content data to track for a variety of stakeholders
  • How to seek buy-in for retiring popular or highly visible content
  • What phases to include in a large-scale content maintenance plan
  • Which templates and techniques to use for an efficient content audit
  • How to manage and cope with the variety of outcomes from an audit

Who should attend: This workshop is for people who have limited experience with audits, or for those with extensive experience who are looking for more cost-effective ways to update and maintain content.

Gavin Austin
Gavin Austin

Principal Technical Writer, Salesforce

Gavin Austin

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